enum dlstreamer::MemoryType

enum dlstreamer::MemoryType#

Enum lists supported memory types. Memory type CPU may work with any CPU-accessible memory buffers, other memory types assume memory allocation on CPU or GPU via underlying framework and data access via framework-specific memory handles, for example cl_mem in OpenCL.

#include <memory_type.h>

enum MemoryType {
    Any        = 0,
    CPU        = 0x1,
    USM        = 0x2,
    DMA        = 0x10,
    OpenCL     = 0x20,
    VAAPI      = 0x40,
    GST        = 0x80,
    FFmpeg     = 0x100,
    OpenCV     = 0x200,
    OpenCVUMat = 0x400,
    OpenVINO   = 0x8000,
    PyTorch    = 0x10000,
    TensorFlow = 0x20000,
    VA         = 0x40000,