Install Guide RHEL =================== For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Intel® Deep Learning Streamer (Intel® DL Streamer) Pipeline Framework can be built from the source code provided in this repository as Docker image. Compile Intel® DL Streamer Pipeline Framework as Docker image ----------------------------------------- To be able to create Intel® DL Streamer Pipeline Framework Docker image, **activated RHEL Docker image is required**. Step 1: Install Docker CE (if not installed) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Refer to `Docker installation documentation `__ Step 2: Clone the repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Clone this repository into folder ``~/intel/dlstreamer``: .. code:: sh mkdir -p ~/intel git clone ~/intel/dlstreamer cd ~/intel/dlstreamer Step 3: Build Docker image ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run the following command to build Docker image: .. code:: sh cd ~/intel/dlstreamer/docker/source/rhel8 # Provide a name and a tag of activated RHEL Docker image as a first argument. # If you want to build an image with a specific tag then provide it # as a second argument (by default latest). ./ [tag] The build process may take significant time and should finally create Docker image ``dlstreamer:`` (by default ``latest``). Obtained Docker image can be validated with command: .. code:: sh docker images | grep dlstreamer This command will return a line with image ``dlstreamer:`` description. If the image is absent in the output, please repeat all the steps above. Step 4: Run Docker image ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some Pipeline Framework samples use display to render results. In order to allow connection from Docker container to host X server run the following commands. .. code:: sh xhost local:root setfacl -m user:1000:r ~/.Xauthority Then, run container: .. code:: sh docker run -it --privileged --net=host \ -v ~/.Xauthority:/home/dlstreamer/.Xauthority \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -e HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY \ -e HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTPS_PROXY \ -e http_proxy=$http_proxy \ -e https_proxy=$https_proxy \ \ -v ~/intel/dlstreamer/models:/home/intel/dlstreamer/models \ -v ~/intel/dlstreamer/video:/home/video-examples:ro \ -e VIDEO_EXAMPLES_DIR=/home/video-examples \ \ dlstreamer: .. note:: | If your host OS is Ubuntu 22 add ``--group-add=$(stat -c "%g" /dev/dri/render*)`` argument for ``docker run`` in order to setup access to GPU from container. | Refer to :ref:`this guide ` for more details. Here is the additional information and the meaning of some options in the Docker run command: - Option ``--privileged`` is required for Docker container to access the host system’s GPU. - Option ``--net=host`` provides host network access to container. It is needed for correct interaction with X server. - Files ``~/.Xauthority`` and ``/tmp/.X11-unix`` mapped to the container are needed to ensure smooth authentication with X server. - ``-v`` instances are needed to map host system directories inside Docker container. - ``-e`` instances set Docker container environment variables. The samples need some of them set in order to operate correctly. Proxy variables are needed if the host is behind a firewall. - Volume provided for ``models`` folder will be used to download and store the models. Environment variable MODELS_PATH in the Docker container is responsible for it. - Entrypoint of the Docker is by default ``/opt/intel/dlstreamer/samples``. Inside Docker image you can find Pipeline Framework samples at the entrypoint. Before using the samples, run the script ```` (located in ``samples`` folder) to download the models required for samples. .. note:: If you want to use video from web camera as an input in sample ```` you should mount the device with this command (add this command when running the container): .. code:: sh -v /dev/video0:/dev/video0 Now you can run the sample with video from web camera: .. code:: sh ./ /dev/video0 .. note:: You can run Docker image using utility script located in ``docker`` folder: .. code:: sh cd ~/intel/dlstreamer/docker/source/rhel8 # essential export DATA_PATH=~/intel/dlstreamer # essential sudo ./ --video-examples-path=$DATA_PATH/video --models-path=$DATA_PATH/models --image-name=dlstreamer: Next Steps ---------- * :doc:`../tutorial` * `Samples overview `__ :: * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.