.. _global: .. index:: pair: namespace; global Global Namespace ================ .. toctree:: :hidden: namespace_GVA.rst namespace_gstgva.rst enum_GVALayout.rst enum_GVAPrecision.rst struct_GstGVAAudioEventMeta.rst struct__GstGVAJSONMeta.rst struct__GstGVATensorMeta.rst Overview ~~~~~~~~ .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-overview-code-block // namespaces namespace :ref:`GVA`; namespace :ref:`gstgva`; namespace :ref:`gstgva::region_of_interest`; namespace :ref:`gstgva::tensor`; namespace :ref:`gstgva::video_frame`; // typedefs typedef typedefG_BEGIN_DECLS struct :ref:`_GstGVAJSONMeta` :target:`GstGVAJSONMeta`; typedef struct :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta` :target:`GstGVATensorMeta`; // enums enum :ref:`GVALayout`; enum :ref:`GVAPrecision`; // structs struct :ref:`GstGVAAudioEventMeta`; struct :ref:`_GstGVAJSONMeta`; struct :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta`; // global functions GType :target:`gst_gva_audio_event_meta_api_get_type`(void); const GstMetaInfo* :target:`gst_gva_audio_event_meta_get_info`(void); :ref:`GstGVAAudioEventMeta`* :target:`gst_gva_buffer_get_audio_event_meta_id`( GstBuffer* buffer, gint id ); :ref:`GstGVAAudioEventMeta`* :target:`gst_gva_buffer_add_audio_event_meta`( GstBuffer* buffer, const gchar* event_type, gulong start_timestamp, gulong end_timestamp ); :ref:`GstGVAAudioEventMeta`* :target:`gst_gva_buffer_add_audio_event_meta_id`( GstBuffer* buffer, GQuark event_type, gulong start_timestamp, gulong end_timestamp ); void :target:`gst_gva_audio_event_meta_add_param`( :ref:`GstGVAAudioEventMeta`* meta, GstStructure* s ); GstStructure* :target:`gst_gva_audio_event_meta_get_param`( :ref:`GstGVAAudioEventMeta`* meta, const gchar* name ); const GstMetaInfo* :ref:`gst_gva_json_meta_get_info`(void); GType :ref:`gst_gva_json_meta_api_get_type`(void); gchar* :ref:`get_json_message`(:ref:`GstGVAJSONMeta`* meta); void :ref:`set_json_message`(:ref:`GstGVAJSONMeta`* meta, const gchar* message); const void* :ref:`gva_get_tensor_data`(GstStructure* s, gsize* nbytes); const GstMetaInfo* :ref:`gst_gva_tensor_meta_get_info`(void); GType :ref:`gst_gva_tensor_meta_api_get_type`(void); :ref:`GstGVATensorMeta`* :ref:`find_tensor_meta`( GstBuffer* buffer, const char* model_name, const char* output_layer ); :ref:`GstGVATensorMeta`* :ref:`find_tensor_meta_ext`( GstBuffer* buffer, const char* model_name, const char* output_layer, const char* element_id ); .. _details-global: Detailed Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global Functions ---------------- .. index:: pair: function; gst_gva_json_meta_get_info .. _doxid-gva__json__meta_8h_1aa3e2cbd81b77b33be3a69a11c190cb57: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block const GstMetaInfo* gst_gva_json_meta_get_info(void) This function registers, if needed, and returns GstMetaInfo for :ref:`_GstGVAJSONMeta `. .. rubric:: Returns: const GstMetaInfo* for registered type .. index:: pair: function; gst_gva_json_meta_api_get_type .. _doxid-gva__json__meta_8h_1a4136c51ca9905bc6da7a3536ca957899: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block GType gst_gva_json_meta_api_get_type(void) This function registers, if needed, and returns a GType for api "GstGVAJSONMetaAPI" and associate it with GVA_JSON_META_TAG tag. .. rubric:: Returns: GType type .. index:: pair: function; get_json_message .. _doxid-gva__json__meta_8h_1aa545ce5192458c944e25cd7a420ba6c1: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block gchar* get_json_message(:ref:`GstGVAJSONMeta`* meta) This function returns message field of :ref:`_GstGVAJSONMeta `. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - meta - _GstGVAJSONMeta* to retrieve message of .. rubric:: Returns: C-style string with message .. index:: pair: function; set_json_message .. _doxid-gva__json__meta_8h_1a0ea9b77e35bd236b9d3e842764a970ae: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block void set_json_message(:ref:`GstGVAJSONMeta`* meta, const gchar* message) This function sets message field of :ref:`_GstGVAJSONMeta `. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - meta - _GstGVAJSONMeta* to set message * - message - message .. rubric:: Returns: void .. index:: pair: function; gva_get_tensor_data .. _doxid-gva__tensor__meta_8h_1a10f40dae431beeca931a84d6e803df03: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block const void* gva_get_tensor_data(GstStructure* s, gsize* nbytes) This function returns a pointer to the fixed array of tensor bytes. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - s - GstStructure* to get tensor from. It's assumed that tensor data is stored in "data_buffer" field * - nbytes - pointer to the location to store the number of bytes in returned array .. rubric:: Returns: void* to tensor data as bytes, NULL if s has no "data_buffer" field .. index:: pair: function; gst_gva_tensor_meta_get_info .. _doxid-gva__tensor__meta_8h_1a09753594569dbadb68669cdddf5bdad1: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block const GstMetaInfo* gst_gva_tensor_meta_get_info(void) This function registers, if needed, and returns GstMetaInfo for :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta `. .. rubric:: Returns: GstMetaInfo* for registered type .. index:: pair: function; gst_gva_tensor_meta_api_get_type .. _doxid-gva__tensor__meta_8h_1ac5b45e42b95ae7bb4bd51711551fd3c1: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block GType gst_gva_tensor_meta_api_get_type(void) This function registers, if needed, and returns a GType for api "GstGVATensorMetaAPI" and associate it with GVA_TENSOR_META_TAG tag. .. rubric:: Returns: GType type .. index:: pair: function; find_tensor_meta .. _doxid-gva__tensor__meta_8h_1a8c412ce7685600f250c77914b95bdb1f: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block :ref:`GstGVATensorMeta`* find_tensor_meta( GstBuffer* buffer, const char* model_name, const char* output_layer ) This function searches for first :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance that satisfies passed parameters. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - buffer - GstBuffer* that is searched for metadata * - model_name - substring that should be in :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance's model_name * - output_layer - substring that should be in :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance's layer_name .. rubric:: Returns: GstGVATensorMeta* for found instance or NULL if none are found .. index:: pair: function; find_tensor_meta_ext .. _doxid-gva__tensor__meta_8h_1a9ffad4d93dc268c876678f6565a4745a: .. ref-code-block:: cpp :class: doxyrest-title-code-block :ref:`GstGVATensorMeta`* find_tensor_meta_ext( GstBuffer* buffer, const char* model_name, const char* output_layer, const char* element_id ) This function searches for first :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance that satisfies passed parameters. .. rubric:: Parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 * - buffer - GstBuffer* that is searched for metadata * - model_name - substring that should be in :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance's model_name * - output_layer - substring that should be in :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance's layer_name * - element_id - element_id substring that should be in :ref:`_GstGVATensorMeta ` instance's element_id .. rubric:: Returns: GstGVATensorMeta* for found instance or NULL if none are found